Our Story

Shoreline Co-founders Bob VandenBerg and Daryl Andringa served together as employees of a large pest control company for over 14 years. Together, they had built a strong, personal customer service reputation in the West Michigan Lakeshore area. But over the years, they began to see a decline in the “old-fashioned”, personal approach to customer service. They longed to provide the high-quality service to their local customers that is so often lost for the sake of growth and profit. They decided it was time to strike out on their own. After more than two years of planning, Shoreline Services, Inc. was officially opened for business in the autumn of 1990.

Though small at first, Shoreline Services began to grow steadily. Securing service agreements with owners of small homes, all the way up to large food and pharmaceutical plants, Bob and Daryl saw to it that each Client was treated honestly, fairly and safely. For these reasons, most of the Clients signed up in those early times are still our valued Clients to this day.

Bob VandenBerg retired honorably from Shoreline Services in 1998. Sadly, to the loss of many loved ones and this community, he passed away in 2002 at the age of 70. His presence is greatly missed.

Bob & Daryl’s desire to make Shoreline Services the most professional pest management firm in West Michigan continues to be our commitment and is still found on our service vehicles in bold letters; “The Pest Control Professionals”



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