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Whitewashed Wood

Fall Congregating Invaders

About Fall Invaders

As winter approaches and temperatures start to fall, a number of insects seek out houses to over-winter. They will gather in huge numbers on sunny fall days to prepare for the dormant season. These fall congregating invaders will soon enter under the siding or window & door frames and spend the winter as your guests in the walls of your home. The following insects all have this habit.

About Fall Invaders



Mosquitoes in Michigan

Image ©

There are over 2500 different species of mosquitoes worldwide, and over 60 species live in Michigan. Mosquitoes have been around for over 30 million years and have changed little in that time. Mosquitoes found in fossilized materials are identical to those that are alive today. Some species lay their eggs directly on water, while others lay eggs in dryer areas and hatch only after flooding, sometimes as much as five years later.


A single female Anopheles mosquito can lay over 300 eggs at a time. Only female mosquitoes bite; males feed only on plant nectar. Mosquitoes are capable of transmitting a number of dangerous diseases and parasites including Encephalitis, West Nile Virus, Malaria and Heartworm.

Silverfish, Fleas, & Cockroaches


This primitive insect is often found in the home. It is shiny silver or gray in color with three long tail-like appendages. Eating foods, clothing, book linings etc., it occasionally does enough damage to warrant treatment. 

Shoreline’s Solution: Treating areas inside and outside the house where this insect is found will reduce the population.


Image © Pest and Diseases Image Library/

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