Squirrels & Bats
Tree Squirrels
What does a Squirrel look like?
Eastern gray squirrels are variable in color. Some have a reddish cast to their gray coat while others are completely black. Eastern gray squirrels measure 16 to 20 inches and weigh approximately 1 1/2 pounds. Red squirrels are red-brown above with white bellies. They are 10 to 15 inches long and weigh about 1/2 pound, considerably smaller than the eastern gray. Flying squirrels are extremely small in size compared to other squirrels. They may be various shades of velvet gray or brown with a lighter belly. They have a broad flattened tail, enlarged eyes, and extended folds of skin from the wrist to ankle that enables it to “fly”. In truth, the flying squirrel glides, controlling its movement with its rudder-like tail. (Image © Robert Wisdom/Dreamstime.com)
What does a Squirrel eat?
What about their babies?
Flying squirrels differ from other squirrels in that each litter can have from one to six young. Also, flying squirrels usually live in family groups with anywhere from 5 – 20 members.
Do Squirrels hibernate?
What makes a Squirrel a pest?
What does a Bat look like?
Big Brown bats have glossy brown fur on their back with the belly fur being lighter. Their bodies are about 5” long, a wingspan up to 13”and can fly reaching speeds of up to 40 mph. Bats emit high frequency sounds similar to sonar, in order to avoid obstacles, locate and capture insect prey, and to communicate. Big brown bats can live up to 18-20 years in the wild. (Image © David Jones/Dreamstime.com)