Bees, Wasps & Hornets

Bees, wasps and hornets are social insects found in West Michigan and all along the Lakeshore. Many are beneficial for pollinating plants. However, these creatures can be very aggressive in protecting their nest. The following are the bees & wasps that people are most concerned about and need help with pest control; The stinging ones!

Honey Bees

The honeybee is one of the world’s most beneficial insects. Many farm crops are dependent on pollination from these bees. The only problem is that occasionally they move their nest into the walls of your house. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to safely remove them and they usually need to be destroyed unless a bee-keeper agrees to try. (Image © Photomyeye/ Here is a link to the Holland area beekeeper website, Holland Beekeepers Association.

Bumble Bees

Bumble Bees are large fuzzy black & yellow bees that very rarely attack man. They like to nest in the ground, but will also nest in wall voids. Generally considered a valuable pollinator, it can become a nuisance depending on where the nest is located. (Image © Andrey Armyagov/

Carpenter Bees

Carpenter bees resemble bumblebees in appearance but are totally different in their habits. They nest by drilling 3/8” holes into wood siding and eaves. If you see this large bee hovering around the eaves of your house in the spring, you can bet its holes are nearby. Leave this bee unchecked and it will do damage to wood siding that is hard to repair. (Image courtesy NPMA )

Yellow Jackets

Everyone should be familiar with this bee. It is the one that likes to join our picnics in the late summer. Most people that get stung are usually stung by Yellow Jackets. Yellow Jackets over-winter as a queen that begins a new nest in the spring. By July, the nest is large enough to become noticeable and its occupants can be aggressive. Many times the nests are built underground but are commonly built in wall voids or roof peaks. (Image © Vladvitek/

Balled-Faced Hornets

These are large black & white bees that have no sense of humor. Just getting close to their large pear-shaped nest is cause for them to attack. Their sting is very painful and, as with the Yellow Jacket nest, should be treated by a professional. (Image © Bruce Macqueen/


Brown and slender, these slow-flying insects congregate around roof peaks in large numbers in spring and fall. They will build an open cell nest just about anywhere that is protected from the elements. Somewhat aggressive, they will attack when their nest is disturbed. (Image © Mohammed El Damir,

European Wasps

The European Wasp looks a bit like a German Yellow Jacket, except for its longer wasp- like legs. They build an umbrella-shaped nest with open cells for raising young. This wasp arrived in our area about 10 years ago and has become one of our biggest stinging pests. They begin building nests in early spring and continue thru September. The nests are located on and behind siding or around roof lines. European Wasps will often build nests on playground equipment and mailboxes. (Image © Melinda Fawver/

Digger Bees & Wasps

These come in many colors and sizes and will dig holes in the lawn as family groups. They can be somewhat scary, but fear not; they rarely, if ever sting. (Image © Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University,

Mud Daubers

Bright, deep blue or yellow, these bees are not dangerous. They collect mud to build tubes they attach to outside walls and in attic ceilings. They sting and paralyze small insects and place them in their tubes along with an egg as a method to feed their young. (Image courtesy NPMA)

The Shoreline Services Solution

Treating bee and wasp nests is a dangerous and delicate job! Obviously, this is not a “do-it-yourself’ job without great risk of bodily harm. We at Shoreline have many years of experience in handling these creatures and can take care of them quickly and completely. We also understand that when a customer calls us with a bee problem-they want it done NOW! Give us a call and we will usually be able to stop out the same day.

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